Rants of Izzo
Every night for one hour, two talented radio hosts, Dominick Izzo and Common Sense Ashley, come together to deliver a unique stream of consciousness for their loyal and growing audience.
Dominick Izzo is a retired police officer, former political candidate, author and Warrior for Christ. His mission is healing police community relations and modeling the oath he swore when wearing the badge. Izzo believes his greatest service is to God and in serving his community he is living the calling that he was made for. To learn more about Dominick, CLICK HERE!
Common Sense Ashley is a California free thinker, former political candidate and current business owner. Her strength is communicating the blaring hypocrisies that divide us and unite those willing to step away from ego. Ashley knows that common sense is subjective but basic human needs are similar. To learn more about Ashley CLICK HERE!
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Audience Overview
- 50,000 Downloads per episode
- 50,000 Views per
- 230,000 Subs / 17% open / 15% cto
60 Second Podcast Promotion $500
Authentic endorsement with promo code
60 Second Video Show Promotion $700
Video endorsement During the Doug Billings Show
Expert Guest Appearance $450
Be a guest expert and promote your cause, book, event or company. Typically, the appearance will last for 1 full segment (up to 18 minutes)
Dedicated Direct Email Send $2,250
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Guest Speaker Inquire
Invite Doug to speak at your event, function or workplace.